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Classes run under BD Tack Rules

Class run under Open Restrictions

Please read our rules & restrictions before entering


Individual League

Horse & Rider combos will gain points by competing in the monthly classes

1st = 10 points, 2nd = 9 points etc


  • League Points
  • Team Tournament Points 
  • Veteran Horse Championships Qualifier



*Prelim Open Classes*
The combination (horse & rider) are not to have score 70% or higher three times at Prelim Level
The combination are not to have scored 68% or higher three times at Novice Level
Horse & Rider combination that have won a Prelim Open League or Championship are required to move up to Novice level. 
Horse must not have any BD points at Elementary level or above


Veteran Horse - Prelim - March

SKU: 2025_3_veteran_prelimE
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