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Classes run under BD Tack Rules

Class run under Open Restrictions

Please read our rules & restrictions before entering


Individual League

Horse & Rider combos will gain points by competing in the monthly classes

1st = 10 points, 2nd = 9 points etc


  • League Points
  • Team Tournament Points 
  • Veteran Horse Championships Qualifier



*Intro Open Classes*
The combination (horse & rider) are not to have score 70% or higher three times at Intro Level
The combination are not to have scored 68% or higher three times at Prelim Level
Horse & Rider combination that have won an Intro Open League or Championship are required to move up to Prelim level.
Horse must not have any BD points at Elementary level or above or to have competed at affiliated BE90 or above


Veteran Horse - Intro - March

SKU: 2025_3_veteran_introE
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